Keeping your customers informed and up to date

Atkinson Technical can work with your company’s sales team to provide clear, useful and concise information to your potential customers. This bespoke, professional-looking package will help  raise awareness of your products or service, and enhance customer confidence. It will enable your team to deliver brief, attractive presentations (15 minutes to one hour) to architects, surveyors and other companies about:

  • salesProduct innovations
  • Impact of new directives, British Standards and Building Regulations
  • Calculations
  • Effective specifying procedures

The presentation and associated reference material and activities will also be awarded a CPD value beneficial to your employees and potential customers.

The sales delivery materials are usually supplied as:

  • Presentation (scripted)
  • Supporting booklet
  • Activities

Presentations are designed to be informative while light on the eye.

How it works

Atkinson Technical meets with you to discuss the sales material content, aims and timescale.

You will presently be provided with a provisional presentation and accompanying booklet as required.

presentationAtkinson Technical and your in-house sales team and technical specialists will then work through the material together over one session to recommend any alterations.

A revised presentation and booklet are then created by Atkinson Technical.

Further checks may be carried out and a final professionally proofread copy then provided ready for your use with your clients.


To enquire about possible sales materials for your company, please get in touch.

Contact Atkinson Technical